*Picture from a stock images database
Extracurricular activities
Would you like to meet new people? Would you like to keep learning English outside the school?
The UKCE experience goes far beyond the classroom. Our extracurricular activities are a great way to meet other students and continue developing your language skills. Everyone’s invited to come and join us.
If you are interested in joining our Friday events please register and pay before 5pm the previous Wednesday.
For more information contact social@ukenglish.org.uk
Social Activity Packages
Make progress and friends with our social activity packages.
Get a social activities package if you want to meet new people, improve your English,
explore London and the UK, and save some money.
What´s included?
One workshop and one social activity per week. In both workshops and social activities, you'll always be accompanied by a teacher.
*Workshops take place on Thursdays and cost £10/workshop when bought separately.
Social activities take place on Fridays and are part of our Social Fridays.
Social Activity packages must start on Monday and can be bought along with your course.
When selecting your start date:
Choose a Monday
Make sure your package ends before your course does
Alternatively, you can buy tickets to our workshops and social events separately below.