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Student Handbooks

Here is our student handbook.

It is divided in different sections –  the school, your course, accommodation, healthcare and much more!

The information is only a click away!

UKCE commits to creating individual futures through an open learning partnership; using the most modern and effective means to deliver programmes to the greatest number and to help create a true global community of success and opportunity.

UKCE Values: Commitment to the individual, Supporting a global community, Future Facing and Achievement through quality.

‘UK College of English is a division of UK College of Business and Computing’ Registered in England and Wales No: 04294645


Eastgate House, 40 Dukes Pl, London EC3A 7LP

 +44 (0) 20 7734 6485 

Whatsapp: +44 (0)7495619113

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Office address registered: Eastgate House, 40 Dukes Place, London EC3A 7LP, United Kingdom

Emergencies: 07956190553

Copyright 2023 by UKENGLISH. All Rights Reserved. The pictures used throughout the website are taken from a stock image website and are not intended to be a representation of the College but are for illustrative purposes only. Where appropriate those pictures have been captioned.​​

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